For many indie beauty brands, breaking into major retail channels feels like a dream come true. But the journey to sales success doesn’t end the moment your products are on shelf. Without proper sales support, many brands languish on shelves until retailers make the difficult call to exit them. Here are just a few reasons why retail training matters for emerging brands trying to win big at retail.
Makes You Memorable: One store can be packed with hundreds of products and brands, making it difficult for sales associates to remember every offering in a single aisle. Instead, most sales associates remember household names or brands they have personal experience with. By teaching sales associates about your brand origin, values and key products, training helps make your brand more memorable.
Boosts Awareness: When your brand first launches in stores, chances are it won’t be front and center when customers walk through the door. So how will they know your products are there? The answer: training. In order to reach customers, you must first reach the sales associates who will direct people to your display. By boosting awareness with sales associates, training helps create more awareness for your brand and drive foot traffic to your display.
Drives Sales: Sales associates don’t just help customers find what they’re looking for, they also drive conversions, total purchase value, and repeat purchases. Through training, brands have the opportunity to enlist the valuable sales skills of associates to help their products perform better on shelves. The proof is clear: brands with training programs perform better and have greater longevity in stores.
Builds Influence: For many sales associates, working in beauty is more than just a job, it’s a passion. Sales associates are often devoted and discerning beauty lovers with meaningful influence over their network’s beauty purchasing behaviors. Brands should see sales associates as similar to micro-influencers: important tastemakers that drive small but meaningful brand growth.
Most retailers recommend that brands conduct in-person training with their staff. But for small and emerging brands, it may not be possible to reach every store. Landing is here to help. Our new, digital-first Training Tool makes it easy to train sales associates without the large budgets or manpower required for in-store visits. Want to see our tool in action? Get in touch with our team for a demo.